Rate (scale) Question parameters
- Nb of scale items is the number of items to be used in your rate scale. You would normally use a value of 3 to 5. Default value: 5.
Type of rate scale
- Normal (default value)
- N/A columns : Choose this if you want an N/A column to be added to the right of your Rate scale items columns.
No duplicate choices: Choose this if you want to prevent duplicate choices in each degree column.
- This is useful if you want the respondent to rank a number of items on a 1 to n scale and to force each rank to be unique. Example: order items A, B and C in order of preference will accept: A1, B3 and C2 or A3, B2 and C1, but it will not be possible for the respondent to enter: A1, B1, C2 or A1, B2, C2, etc.
- Used in conjunction with the named degrees option, this No duplicate choices option can also be useful if you want the respondent to match items with named degrees, e.g. the colors red, blue, yellow with a set of physiological responses: excitement, tranquillity, concentration where one color can only match one physiological response.
- Osgood: Choose this to create a question of the Osgood's semantic differential type. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the named degrees option.
Updated by JR on 14/06/08
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